of sampling techniques and decontamination procedures with regard
to different types of constituents can mean the difference between
a small localized area with selected contaminants to a widespread
plume in several media. Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. (HET's)
experience of over twenty (20) years of environmental drilling techniques
can be applied to meet most any sampling need. From discrete sampling
of particular zones to installation of a full groundwater monitoring
program, HET' s environmental and drilling services can make the difference
in an accurate assessment of a facility.
Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. is a licensed Water Well and
Monitor Well Contractor in the state of Louisiana. The Louisiana
Department of Transportation and Development has issued HET the
license number WWC #416. HET has trained professionals that are
knowledgeable in sampling protocol and the construction of piezometers
and monitor wells. HET's proper drilling and sampling techniques
allow immediate response for on-site assessment and field data collection
to meet the most technical requirements. HET currently utilizes
a Geoprobe 6610-D and other direct push technology drilling rigs
for all drilling applications. HET has the in-house capability to
continuously sample to a depth of 115 feet below land surface.
Soil boring installations by either macro core or dual tube technology
Soil sampling - Shelby tube methods, core sampling and Split Spoon
Design and installation of piezometers and monitor wells
Design and installation of groundwater and soil vapor recovery wells
Groundwater sampling and development of monitor wells
Proper abandonment of soil borings, monitor wells, and piezometers
Field topographic surveys
Water level measurements
Diurnal groundwater studies
Aquifer slug and pumping tests
Detailed geologic logs of all lithologies encountered during drilling
Soil gas sampling techniques
Case of zones for groundwater sampling of specific zones are to
eliminate CNSS media transfer.