Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. (HET) is an environmental consulting and geological services firm that was established in 1990 with a staff of professionals experienced in conducting a wide range of hydrogeologic and environmental services. The professionals that comprise the company include licensed Hydrogeologists, Environmental Scientists, and Soil Scientists as well as a supporting team of Geologists, GIS Cartographers, Field and Remediation Technicians, Environmental Drillers, and Technical Editors.
HET Expertise
HET specializes in groundwater evaluation, hydrogeological investigations, and regulatory interface and management of various facility types by innovative, proactive, and feasible alternatives. The staff also offers extensive knowledge regarding surface water studies, wetland evaluations and permitting, hazardous waste determination and management, environmental audits, and collection of field data. The information researched and developed by HET is then utilized as necessary in a full-scale remediation design and implementation of various methods that have resulted in achieving site restoration and regulatory closure of numerous sites throughout the Gulf Coast and the United States.
HET Licenses
HET is a licensed contractor with the Louisiana Board of Contractors (#26038), approved for the removal and treatment of hazardous waste. HET is a registered licensed geological firm (#50233) with the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists. HET is an approved Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Response Action Contractor (#41860) for all phases of work at motor fuel sites across the state of Louisiana. All test drilling and monitor well installations, including all field work required to complete projects, will be conducted “in-house” by HET personnel in a manner approved by regulatory authorities and under HET's Water Well Contractor's license (#416). Professionals within HET have various licenses ranging from Professional Geologists and Professional Hydrogeologists to Professional Environmental Scientists.
HET Service Areas
With our office headquarters located in Scott, Louisiana, HET is able to service the Gulf Coast Region from Houston, Texas to Mobile, Alabama, in a cost effective and timely manner. Additionally, HET manages projects in the States of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Utah. Currently, we are a small to medium sized firm, which allows our principals and professionals to conduct and supervise all work and to maintain direct personal contact with our clients.
HET Services
• Environmental Audits for Property Transactions
• Hydrogeologic Investigations
• Environmental Compliance and Permitting
• Hydrogeologic and Risk Assessments
• Remediation Services, Including Design, Implementation, and Operation
• Industrial Hazardous Waste Management
• Safety and Industrial Hygiene Services
• Oil and Gas Industry Compliance Services
• Environmental Drilling and Sampling Services
• Litigation Support Services
• Field Services Division
Direct client communication and timely responses to their needs are major governing policies of HET. HET maintains sufficient liquid assets and insurance coverage to meet any potential liability and work undertaken.