Mr. Cormier received his Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from McNeese State University in 1997 and upon completion of his degree, joined HET as an Environmental Scientist. He has extensive experience in all field aspects, including environmental assessment, remediation, drilling, sampling, and well installations. He is responsible for the planning and coordination of field crew activities for the firm and is an experienced Project Manager for numerous Phase I/Phase II Environmental Site Investigations, including UST facilities, dry cleaning facilities, various commercial facilities, oilfield production facilities, and large tracts, including farmlands and woodlands.
Mr. Cormier has extensive experience in conducting and managing environmental evaluations/assessments of Oil Fields in Louisiana, Texas, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and North Dakota. He has conducted numerous naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) surveys as part of the assessments. He is also responsible for the design, implementation, and management of numerous soil remediation/restoration projects and oilfield pit closures in Louisiana and Texas.
Mr. Cormier is in charge of waste water discharge permit applications, along with discharge monitoring and reporting, for over two (2) dozen facilities, including UST remediation system discharges, storm water discharges, and industrial waste water discharges. He is also responsible for coordinating and supervising remedial system installation and maintenance activities.
Mr. Cormier assists in UST site evaluations with his knowledge of appropriate soil and groundwater sampling protocols, knowledge of drilling techniques and equipment, and in providing drilling and well installation support. He has also been Project Manager for UST closures and has been responsible for the coordination of subcontractors and preparation of UST Closure Reports.
Mr. Cormier is a Louisiana Professional Geoscientist (#356). Mr. Cormier is also recognized as a Certified Environmental Professional (Cert. #08030396) by the Academy of Board Certified Environmental Professionals. Mr. Cormier is an LDEQ Licensed Asbestos Inspector (#0I00921) and conducts such inspections, as needed, as part of Phase I/Phase II Environmental Site Investigations. He is an approved LDEQ Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and manages projects associated with NORM. He also completed the 40-hour OSHA Hazardous Materials Training. Mr. Cormier has developed numerous U.S. Coast Guard Facility Response Plans, Security Plans, and Best Management Practices Plans for facilities along the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas. He has also conducted numerous indoor air quality, mold, and asbestos investigations for residential and commercial properties.