Prior to any
industrial or commercial real estate transaction, whether it be
a purchase by a small company or a foreclosure by a financial lending
institution, liability resulting from contamination on the property
should be determined. State and Federal Regulations enforced by
the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), including
CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability
Act) and its amendment, SARA (Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization
Act), determine who is responsible for past contamination problems
and who is responsible for the cleanup of hazardous waste. The RCRA
(Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) legislation dictates procedures
for the transportation, storage, disposal, and use of hazardous
waste. A review of the property in question, with emphasis directed
toward the potential application of CERCLA, SARA, and RCRA statutes
and all other applicable state regulations, must be conducted as
part of "due diligence" during the Phase I environmental
Property transactions in the oil and gas industry
are controlled by legislation which sets forth rules governing the
amount of contamination allowed at a particular location. These
regulations describe the amount of Naturally Occurring Radioactive
Materials (NORM) and all drilling-fluid type contaminants allowed
on producing or non-producing oil and gas properties.
Hydro-Environmental Technology, Inc. (HET) personnel
have conducted numerous environmental audits for clients ranging
from financial institutions and real estate developers to oil and
gas exploration companies, the Small Business Administration (SBA),
and numerous other types of large and small companies. HET has the
personnel and experience to protect client interests in the area
of property transactions.
Phase I Environmental Audits:
Title research and historical review of subject site and neighboring
Review of the state environmental records, including the following:
Hazardous and Solid Waste, Water Quality, Underground Storage Tanks,
AirQuality, and Groundwater Protection Divisions
Review of subject site with regard to the CERCLA, RCRA, and Hazardous
Waste Spill Notification lists and other pertinent lists
On-site visual inspection of subject site
Interviews with neighboring property owners, city and town officials,
and local fire departments
Analysis of past and current aerial photographs to determine site
Inspection of the site and review of scientific literature to determine
the possibility of asbestos and/or radon occurring at the site
Comprehensive written report summarizing findings of this investigation
and/or past reports on the subject site
Phase II Environmental Audits:
Installation of soil borings and piezometers
Collection of soil and groundwater samples
Development, design, and cost estimate of site remediation, if needed
Geophysical surveys to determine extent of contamination plume in
a feasible manner
Written report summarizing findings of field investigations